Monday, September 12, 2011

On Friday night I was watching the opening game of the Rugby World Cup like everyone in New Zulund. And what can I say…SBW shirt rip was the highlight of the game for all straight females in eyeshot…high pitched hormonal screeching took over the bar at the sight of those rippling abs and freakish guns.

So for your ogling pleasure, I present, the phenomenon that is SBW.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

...pondering reviving pineapples

Dear reader, (i.e. - chi chi),

I've been thinking about reviving these delicious pineapples of ours to create a colourful fruit salad of words once more, which we can ponder, and then devour. I know our pineapples lasted only a short while before we took a hiatus, but ... I'm starting to lose the thread of this metaphor so, ...anyway, how bout we do this thing again...what say you? I'm thinking if you don't want to do so much writing you could contribute some of your awesome photos (with appropriate copyright stuff so no nasty internet picture thieves take your creative shit).

Sidenote: I just google imaged pineapples and now I feel hungry.

Other sidenotes:
N*E*R*D's new album is hot n fun. Well, it's not actually called hot n fun, it's called Nothing. But it is hot n fun. At least I think it is. Pharrell is also delicious.
Speaking of delicious...Strawberries. I ate 2 big punnets all by myself today. Whaddapiglet.

Back to mainnote:
Please let me know your thoughts on reviving the blog. Thanks.

Kind regards,

Friday, July 31, 2009

one of us became a lawyer today!

rumour has it that this is the outfit worn to the convocation.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

In which I use my blog as my preferred medium to rant through

(Cos I’m too passive-aggressive to confront issues properly in real life)


I think of myself as generally a nice person, who doesn’t like to hurt other’s feelings, and therefore has trouble letting them know when they are irritating me.

So a recent morning, I was talking to a guy on facebook, someone that I don’t really know all that well, and I told him, I was hungover, had a big night out, and lost my wallet. Clearly, one would think I was kinda in a grumpy mood? But anyway, he decides to call me.

And make fun of me for losing my wallet, then pester me about whether I was hit on or hooked up with anyone… none of which I was really amused with, and chose to respond with incoherent whiney mumbling rather than words. Not very mature of me, or polite.

Why did it annoy me so much?

Firstly, yes. I do a lot of stuff that warrants me being made fun of… spilling stuff, being clumsy, losing stuff… etc.. so I don’t mind being made fun of by my friends… BY MY FRIENDS being the operative part of that sentence. Not random people who feel that they know me just cos we’re facebook friends.

Secondly, I resent the fact that so much emphasis is placed on my having a good night out being based on how much male attention I receive. The reason I go out is primarily to hang out with my friends, and I really resent being thought of as someone whose sole purpose in socialising is to pull.

Anyway, He picked up on my subtle nuances that I wasn’t in the mood to talk to him and ended the call rather annoyed at me…

Leaving me feeling like a bitch.

So next facebook chat, I apologised:

Chi: sorry about being a bitch yesterday
it was too early in the day

facebook "friend": u sure were
u hv to get get laid so u would nt be grumpy anymore

Chi: right
i'll work on it

facebook "friend": kewl
jst kidding ms grumpy
u seem to hv taken that seriously

Chi: lol have i?

facebook "friend": u certaimly hv

Chi: ... i just didn't really find it all that amusing, so thought that was the best way to respond.

facebook "friend": ok ok
im off to bed

Which leads onto another rant: why do some males say dickish things, and then when the female doesn’t react in the desired manner, they act like the problem is the female?

Eugh. & I also dislike people who write “kewl”.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Saturday night with Charlie and Royce (via G chat)

Royce: uh oh
whacha doin?

Charlie: editing photos.
had a big night last night.
i know it was big
cos i lost my

Royce: uh oh!
that big huh

Charlie: ... on hookers and blow ;(

Royce: haha

Royce: i gotta go snort some coke
of a midget's snail trail

Charlie: ew
i understand

Royce: that's why we're partners, partner

Charlie: you got to go what you got to do
or something like that

Royce: damn straight!
(can you tell i’m the ethnically challenged one)

Charlie: kinda

Royce: and that i’m the underpaid one. i only have a midget. And he only lets me do it cos he enjoys the sensation of me snorting his snail trail.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mistress HankyPants

So today I had to decide on a title. For me! My admission ceremony is coming up soon, and apart from the admin fees costing a pretty penny and running around getting bits of paper stamped and signed by important people, I had to choose the title I would be announced with on the day: Ms, Miss or Mrs. The latter is out, for obvious reasons. But it begs the question...why is there still this distinction between married and unmarried?

Having done a little research on the web (i.e. I skim read wikipedia), it turns out that Ms was coined for use when people were unsure whether a woman was married or unmarried. A sort of catch-all phrase to avoid embarrassment.

Written in 1901:
"There is a void in the English language which, with some diffidence, we undertake to fill. Every one has been put in an embarrassing position by ignorance of the status of some woman. To call a maiden Mrs is only a shade worse than to insult a matron with the inferior title Miss. Yet it is not always easy to know the facts... Now, clearly, what is needed is a more comprehensive term which does homage to the sex without expressing any views as to their domestic situation, and what could be simpler or more logical than the retention of what the two doubtful terms have in common. The abbreviation "Ms" is simple, it is easy to write, and the person concerned can translate it properly according to circumstances. For oral use it might be rendered as "Mizz," which would be a close parallel to the practice long universal in many bucolic regions, where a slurred Mis' does duty for Miss and Mrs alike."

So I was thinking, why haven't we reached the point where there IS only one title for women, like there are for men? Why can't we all be Ms? In the 1950s (even before feminists adopted the term) there was a movement to adopt the term Ms for all communications. But many women preferred the old distinctions between Miss and Mrs. And so they stuck. And we haven't moved on from there. It turns out lots of women like their marital status to be broadcast. Or is it that according to Chi Chi (said with toungue firmly in cheek), men rule the world regardless of their marital status. OR is that we have the freedom to choose to broadcast whether we're married, unmarried, or just mysterious (and possibly a feminazi...jokes!). Freedom of choice or male domination? Thoughts, anyone?

Speaking of freedom to choose, for $23,000 and five years of my life, I'd like the option of Lady, thanks. Or Mistress Bunny Knickers. How about Ms Demeanour?